NECT's Development Work camps welcomes individuals and groups who are 18 years of age and above. Apply early for the best chance of acceptance. Early application allows you extra time for visa processing and also allows you to make your travel arrangements earlier and perhaps more affordably.

Before applying we ask that you carefully read our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) If you have any questions regarding any aspect of the programme, please call 0208 429 8077 or email: We will be able to provide you with additional information.

To hold a space in a group or for individual application, a £250 deposit is required with your application. The balance is due 75 days before your group departure date, or immediately if you apply within 75 days of your group's departure date. We appreciate your payment by check, which avoids the high commission cost charged by credit card companies.

Download the application, compete it, and either fax or mail it together with cheque. The earlier you do this the better so that we can start making your pre-departure preparation and travel arrangements as soon as your place on the programme is confirmed.

Please also refer to the following useful sections:


  1. Application

    Read all the information, choose a departure and download and fill in the application form.

  2. Assessment and Briefing

    On receipt of your application form we will arrange a telephone interview and briefing for you by one of our team of local interviewers based in the UK, The interview is your chance to find out if our programme is really for you and for us to see if you are suitable. If you are offered a place as a volunteer we will ask for a reference, a medical reference and a police check.

  3. Training and Support

    Once you have been accepted on the programme you'll receive advice and support throughout your preparations. You'll receive the NECT Fundraising Manual, which is built up of over many years' volunteer fundraising experience. It includes advice, ideas and examples of how to do press releases, events etc. and many more valuable tools to make fundraising as easy and fun as possible. Fundraising is a challenge, but not impossible. In addition you'll learn many valuable transferable skills too. Closer to departure you'll receive the Travel Manual containing specific information on health, vaccinations, visas, kit, insurance, flights, language etc.

    The Volunteer Coordinator will support you during your preparations. In addition, we can put you in contact with a returned volunteer who can answer any questions you may have.

    • Pre-departure requirement:

      Reading about Kenya, projects, medical examination, orientation, getting the recommended vaccination. Fundraising is recommended for all the volunteers. If you would like NECT to book your flight for you, please let us know as soon as you register for the programme.

    • Pre-departure information:

      NECT provides you with a comprehensive pre-departure package with detailed information on issues that will concern volunteers, such as health, safety, and cultural shocks. Please make sure that emergency medical evacuation insurance should be included in your travel insurance. It is every important that every volunteer read and if you have questions discuss with NECT's Programme Coordinator and your doctor for health issues.

  4. Flights to and from Kenya

    You are responsible for arranging your own flight and insurance with help from NECT. 48-hour orientation starts in Nairobi 8am on Monday mornings. Please arrive on the Saturday beforehand so that you can have a day to rest and recover from jet lag. After the orientation, you'll leave for Mbaruk and you'll spend part of the first week learning the skills and language you'll need to live and interact with the host community. At the end of the project please allow a minimum of 24 hours to get back to Nairobi from Nakuru and we strongly recommend you give yourself some time to travel around Kenya after the project.

  5. The Rural Development Programme

    Volunteers live together (groups range from 4-12 volunteers) in camp conditions and work alongside the villagers. You'll be fully supported during your time in the villages by Kenyan staff backed up by NECT. The conditions are tough and most villagers we work with do not have electricity or running water.

  6. Travel

    Kenya offers plenty to explore once you have finished your project. NECT strongly recommends that volunteers on the four week programme allow at least one extra week for travelling, whilst volunteers on the seven or ten week programmes allow at least two extra weeks. Many volunteers head off on safari in the one of the many national parks. You'll want a good camera, as the scenery and wildlife are fantastic. You may want to climb Mount Kenya, go on a safari or travel to Tanzania to climb the Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest mountain or relax on the beautiful Mombasa beaches before heading home.

  7. Returning Home

    Volunteers return to their home country after a unique and wonderful experience. We ask all volunteers to give us feedback on our volunteer programme in order that we can continually improve it. Many volunteers keep in touch with NECT and get involved supporting new volunteers.

Participating in an international short-term volunteer project can be an exciting prospect. It is an interesting and meaningful way to travel with purpose and spend 2-3 weeks in a foreign environment. Working and living together with other young people from around the world provides an excellent opportunity to make many new friends, learn about unknown places and culture, and gain new skills and experience.

NECT offers interested volunteers a multitude of ways to work for social justice and human rights. Work camps are short-term projects that help volunteers examine and understand the causes and damaging effects of injustice. Participants work directly with people in the communities they serve, experiencing social justice struggles firsthand. Participants must be age 18 or older.


We welcome those that wish to volunteer on an individual basis to work alongside the community by offering their skills and expertise. We especially like to recruit people to cater for a wide range of activities that reflect the abilities of the individual and their personal requirements from volunteering.

The local communities are always grateful for the sacrificial giving of time, effort and money by individuals as there is always a long way to go and a lot of work to be done at the Studies Centre. Individuals will greatly contribute to the community if they come with a giving and receiving attitude. The individuals who benefit the most are those who approach volunteering as a shared learning experience.

We currently have vacancies for self sponsored individuals for a period of one to six months in the following areas:

What is a Work camp?

A work camp is a place where people of diverse race, ideology, nationality, and age live together for two to twelve weeks while working on a community project. The work camps are initiated and organised by community groups and are designed to be of tangible benefit to the local community. They enhance local initiatives and do not replace paid labour. Work camps usually take between 12 and 20 international participants who work and socialise with the local community. NECT's Work camps take place during the summer holidays.

Work camps provide an opportunity for individuals to combine their energies and together address problems vital to our shared global future. Internal decision-making, problem solving and a sense of group identity are promoted. Work camps aim to increase tolerance and facilitate the questioning of values. Whether working at a children's centre, on an environmental project helping with relief programmes, the volunteers help establish paths to peace and mutual understanding.

The projects are practical hands-on work, such as building school classrooms, working with orphaned children or helping the development of a new community group. Here is an outline of how the volunteer programme works. If, after reading this, you have any questions, please contact us.


As a member of NECT volunteer Programme you are required to raise a substantial amount before you leave for the overseas experience. The 'experience' has already begun as you embark on your pre-departure preparations.

Fund-raising will be a major part of your life over the next few months. Fund-raising is a valuable skill and can be great fun, but also involves hard work, planning and commitment. Rise to the challenge; don't be put off.

Once interviewed and accepted on to the volunteer programme, all volunteers have access to our fund-raising Manual. This manual draws on experience and comments collected from hundreds of volunteers who have finished their fund-raising. It contains resources designed to support you in your fund-raising efforts.

The manual itself does not guarantee success. This will only come through your own hard work and imagination. But the manual should make it easier for you to get started and to maintain your momentum. Keep referring to it as your plan progresses, and always feel free to contact Volunteer Africa if you need further advice.

Before you begin fund-raising think of the answers to the question, "Why is anybody going to give me money?". Some people will give you money for the cause and the type of thing you are doing, but many will be giving money because it is you. Remember this and constantly demonstrate your commitment and enthusiasm. These are the factors that will ultimately persuade people that you and Volunteer Africa are worth supporting.

Top Tips for fund-raising

Remember you are selling yourself and NECT - be honest, enthusiastic and determined!

Child Protection

"NECT is committed to ensuring that all children involved in our projects are kept safe from all forms of harm and ill-treatment"

Everyone involved in the work of NECT has a part to play in keeping children safe.

NECT will ensure that:

  1. Volunteers are suitable to work with children by ensuring that effective recruitment procedures are followed (interview, vetting & references)
  2. Volunteers are briefed about the way they should behave towards children and provided with a Code of Conduct
  3. Any complaints, allegations or concerns receive appropriate attention and steps are taken to ensure the safety of all concerned

Volunteers are encouraged to:

  1. Co-operate with NECT's vetting arrangements and provide the necessary documents and/or consent to ensure that criminal records checks can be completed
  2. Follow NECT's Code of Conduct at all times and takes action if they witness or suspect someone else is behaving inappropriately
  3. Bring any complaints, allegations or concerns to the attention of NECT without delay - regardless of the circumstances

All volunteers applying to participate in a NECT project involving children should be interviewed by an approved interviewer. This interview will include questions about the applicant's motivation and previous work experience with children and young people. Following interview, successful applicants will be offered a place on the Volunteer Programme, pending satisfactory references and vetting.

NECT requires appropriate official vetting enquiries to be carried out prior to volunteer participation. The acceptable forms of vetting vary from country to country. The applicant must meet any costs associated with vetting.

NECT may take steps to ensure the authenticity of any official documents received.

NECT will not permit the involvement of anyone who has been convicted of a sexual offence. In all other cases any criminal convictions revealed will be reviewed by NECT's Management committee before confirming acceptance on the programme.

Volunteers should also provide a reference from a reputable source. A reference form will be provided to all successful applicants. Referees will be specifically asked whether they know of any reason why the applicant should not work with children.

Volunteers are briefed about the way they should behave towards children and provided with a Code of Conduct

NECT will require volunteers to commit to our Child Protection Policy. The declaration form signed by volunteers will include a statement to the effect that "I have read, understood and agree to comply with NECT's Child Protection Policy. While on the project I will follow the Code of Conduct provided. I have never been convicted of a criminal offence against a child and there are no reasons why I should not have substantial, unsupervised, contact with children."

Code of Conduct

NECT's Code of Conduct seeks to ensure that children are kept safe from harm and that volunteers are not placed in a compromising position.

Volunteers should report any complaints, allegations or concerns to NECT without delay - by contacting the Chairperson Dr Nim Njuguna on

Any complaints, allegations or concerns receive appropriate attention and that steps are taken to ensure the safety of others.

NECT will take seriously any complaints, allegations or concerns made against volunteers or those connected with our projects. The response to complaints, allegations or concerns against volunteers will be managed by one of NECT's Co-ordinators. The staff of host agencies may be asked to support any information gathering or deal with communication difficulties; however NECT will remain responsible for all decisions regarding a volunteer's continued participation in the programme.

NECT reserves the right to suspend any volunteer's involvement with its projects and may do so pending investigation of any complaints, allegations or concerns. Volunteers will be informed of any such action by NECT staff or their representatives. Volunteers will only be permitted to resume their participation where this is approved by one of NECT's Co-ordinators.

Allegations of a criminal nature will be brought to the attention of the local Kenyan Police. Volunteers are subject to Kenyan law while in the country. A number of countries have laws enabling the prosecution of their citizens for offences committed overseas. NECT may pass details of any complaints; allegations or concerns received to appropriate law enforcement agencies in a volunteer's home country.

The response to complaints, allegations or concerns against the staff or others connected with host agencies will be managed by one of NECT's Co-ordinators. NECT is not responsible for the management of other organisations. Any complaints, allegations or concerns received will be passed to the responsible officers of the appropriate organisations. In the event that the responsible officers of the organisation are the subjects of the allegations, NECT may pass relevant information to the Kenyan Police.

NECT may suspend its involvement with other organisations that do not take appropriate action to protect children. The decision to suspend involvement with other organisations will rest with one of NECT's Co-ordinators.

NECT will co-operate with any bone-fide investigation resulting from one of its projects. Legal constraints regarding the release of information of third parties (such as the UK's Data Protection Act and other nation's equivalents) will be observed; in these circumstances advice may be sought from appropriate sources.


NECT raises money to support the work of our Kenyan partners through the programme fee that volunteers pay. The fee is broken down into Volunteer Programme and Development Programme so you can see exactly where your money is going.

Volunteer Programme. This includes recruitment, selection and pre-departure support and then language training, food, accommodation, travel within Kenya and equipment. It also covers the core costs of running the charity.

Development Programme. This is the donation to host programme, which supports the work of Mbaruk Field Studies Centre in Nakuru.

NECT asks you to pay a deposit and then the final payment is due one month before departure. Approximately 40% goes on your costs as a volunteer such as language training and food and 60% goes to support the work undertaken by our Kenyan partner Mbaruk Field Studies Centre.

The Table below sets out the programme fees for the Rural Development Programme:

4-week programme:
Volunteer Programme 450
Development Programme 500
TOTAL: 950
7-week programme:
Currency UK£
Volunteer Programme 580
Development Programme 750
TOTAL: 1.330
10-week programme:
Currency UK£
Volunteer Programme 710
Development Programme 1,000
TOTAL: 1.710
12-week programme:
Currency UK£
Volunteer Programme 780
Development Programme 1,170
TOTAL: 1.950
Deposit (this forms part of the total cost given above and is payable within one month of being offered a place).
Currency UK£
Deposit 250

You will need to budget for some spending money (for luxury items, stamps, etc.) and the cost of travelling in Kenya after you have finished in the village (with places like Zanzibar and Kilimanjaro and some of the best safari parks in the world its worth allowing some extra time at the end). You also will be expected to provide your own personal kit (i.e. sleeping bag, boots, and backpack) and to pay for vaccinations and anti-malarial tablets (recommendations will be provided nearer the time). Finally you need to allow for the cost of your flights and medical insurance (which is compulsory).

You'll also need to raise the money for your flight, insurance and kit. You'll be expected to organise these yourself, working within parameters provided by NECT. The amount that you'll need to budget will depend on where you are travelling from and if you want to travel afterwards.

Cancellation or withdrawal:

You may cancel or withdraw from the volunteer programme. However, we ask that you not to apply unless you are confident in your decision to participate. It is important for you to know that cancellations and transfers are costly to NECT because we make arrangements for your volunteer programme as soon as you apply. Therefore, the deposit is non-refundable. If you cancel because of travel warning that applies to the country you are travelling to, 55% of the deposit is refunded. If you withdraw from the programme for any reason, you must notify NECT in writing. If by chance you are not accepted, (which is very rare) your deposit will be fully refunded.


In Country

NECT highly recommends volunteers give themselves at least one week to travel afterwards. We recommend volunteers travel after volunteering and not before as many volunteers travel with other volunteers they have met on the programme. In addition volunteer's language and cultural knowledge is far greater after volunteering.

Most volunteers go on a safari to Mombasa, Masai Mara and many climb Mount Kenya. To help you plan this part of the trip volunteers, once accepted onto the programme, have access to information and advice from other volunteers in the Kenya.

On Return

On completion all volunteers are asked for feedback on our volunteer programmes in order that we can offer the best service possible.

Most returned volunteers stay in touch with NECT. Some get involved interviewing new volunteers; others continue to fund-raise for the host's programme and the communities they worked in.